Posts Tagged ‘cats spraying’

Cat spraying which also known as urine marking in very inappropriate places is probably the #1 most frustrating cat behavior problem. Unfortunately, it is also the most common feline behavioral issue which results in finding a new home or even euthanasia. In a large number of cases the cause is behavioral, but sometimes there are medical issues which are to blame.

In most instances, urine spraying may either be eliminated or prevented. Similar to other feline behavior problems, reasons are present which identify a cat begins to spray. Identifying what the cause is should the most important step to finding an adequate solution.Why do cats spray in the first place? Spraying urine is normal & natural cat behavior. This is how cats convey their sexual and territorial messages so other cats can read them. Tomcats will spray, but female cats will also spray when they are in heat to spread the news that she is ready to mate. Cat Spraying Is Natural Cat Behavior

If you have a cat that urinates outside its litter box, you may take it to a veterinarian to be checked for underlying medical conditions before you determine that the spraying is caused behavior problems. In addition to completing a physical examination, you may request a blood count, blood chemistry panel & urinalysis. There are other tests like radiographs which use a special dye to reveal its urinary tract, which may also be helpful. If the underlying condition presents itself to be causing your cat’s inappropriate spraying, the problem should be medically treated & his response to that treatment should be monitored closely.

There are some common medical disorders which may be responsible for your cat to avoid its litter box. Bacterial bladder infections known as bacterial cystitis are common in many cats. (In other more rare occasions, infections may be caused by fungus as opposed to bacteria.) As the infection causes the bladder to become inflamed, infected cats feel a constant impulse to urinate. Their urge to urinate might be so intense that it urinates only small amounts very frequently, usually often before it reaches the litter box. With certain conditions, such as bladder stones or tumors there will be defects to the bladder’s shape. Diabetes may also make a bladder infection more likely to happen. A female cat is more probable to be affected as opposed to a male cat.

Cats which suffer from a bacterial cystitis infection may frequently squat to urinate but they only produce a small quantity. They may continue straining even when they are finished urinating & they may meow intensely while they strain. The urine might appear as a red color because of the blood content. They may also exhibit signs such as lack of appetite, hiding or lethargy.

Cat Bladder Infections Can Be Painful For Your Feline A proper diagnosis is accomplished by a cat urine test for a red blood cell, white blood cell and bacterial presence. In many cases your veterinarian might have the sample lab tested to pinpoint specific bacteria responsible to prescribe the best therapy. Once the diagnosis is made for your cat, antibiotics may be administered for several weeks. If your cat’s infection returns, your vet may perform special testing such as radiographs & dye studies to search for additional causes for your kitty’s cystitis. Once the medical problem is treated you might still have to retrain the cat to re-establish its normal litter box usage patterns.

Neutered cats have some most common causes for spraying which are competition & disputes over territory between cats especially in multi-cat homes. The more cats in a household, the higher your probability is that 1 or more felines will start spraying at any given time. Insecurity and stress may also be a cause. For example, if you move into a new home, the birth of a baby, getting another pet or situations that make your cat feel insecure and unsafe may cause it to ‘reinforce its territory’ which results in spraying.

It is extremely important to never punish a cat hitting or kicking it, or by dragging it to its litter box or sticking the nose in excrements. This will only make matters much, much worse. Your cat won’t associate punishment with the spraying, and may even come to resent you. A spraying cat may be its way of asking for help, so please take care of your feline family members!